Decision Making Frameworks

Decision-making should not be complex. I am sharing my preferred three easy-to-implement frameworks with examples that can make your daily decisions both simple and effective. Curious? Read on.

The Pros vs. Cons List:

  • Application: Ideal for personal and professional decisions.
  • Process: Create two columns – Pros and Cons. Write down all the positives and negatives of the decision.
  • Outcome: Choose the option where the pros outweigh the cons.

The Eisenhower Matrix:

  • Application: Best for prioritizing tasks.
  • Process: Draw a two-by-two matrix. Label the columns as ‘Urgent’ and ‘Not Urgent’ and the rows as ‘Important’ and ‘Not Important’. Place your tasks in the appropriate quadrant.
  • Outcome: Focus on ‘Important and Urgent’ tasks first, schedule ‘Important but Not Urgent’, delegate ‘Urgent but Not Important’, and eliminate ‘Not Important and Not Urgent’.

The 5 Whys Technique:

  • Application: Effective for problem-solving and root cause analysis.
  • Process: Start with a problem and ask ‘Why’ it’s happening. Repeat the ‘Why’ for the answer given up to five times.
  • Outcome: You will often find the root cause by the 5th ‘Why’, leading to a clear solution.

Which one do you think you will use most? Or do you have a go-to method already?

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