What separates iconic products from the rest as they scale? Is it just about vanity metrics?
Here are some strategies that I have learned on product scaling.
1️⃣ Platform Thinking:
Inspired by Sangeet Paul Choudary‘s work, view your product as a platform. This shift in perspective can open up new avenues for scaling.
A real-life example: transitioning a service into a productised platform helped us generate organic leads that helped us plan scaling efforts.
2️⃣ The 10X Rule:
As Ken Norton advocates, aim for a product that is 10 times better than its alternatives.
Applying this rule in the e-learning platform we built helped us ruthlessly prioritise features that genuinely added value, resulting in immediate growth.
3️⃣ The ‘Jobs to be Done’ Theory:
Clayton Christensen’s concept is crucial. Understand the ‘job’ your product does for customers.
In the hunting app I worked on, refocusing on this ‘job’ led to a 28% increase in customer satisfaction, forcing our scaling efforts.
Scaling a product demands more than just following the industry standards. It requires understanding deeper user needs, aspiring for transformative improvement, and considering your product as a platform.
Have you used any unconventional strategies that influenced your product scaling journey? What are your learnings, and what was the impact?
In the next post, we will explore ‘Managing Product Portfolio for Growth,’ integrating these scaling strategies with portfolio management for all-round growth.
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